The third installment of the Foreign Policy Talks series focused on “Understanding Developments in Cyprus” where actively engaged Greek and Turkish Cypriots assessed the state of play in the resolution of the Cyprus question as well as the key developments in the region and their impact on Cyprus.
The meeting took place on Thursday, 25 June between 18:00-19:00 (GMT +3)
The speakers of the event were:
- Charis Psaltis, Co-coordinator, Cyprus Chapter of the Greek Turkish Forum
- Emine Çolak, Member, Cyprus Chapter of the Greek Turkish Forum
- Erol Kaymak, Co-coordinator, Cyprus Chapter of the Greek Turkish Forum
- Xenia Constantinou, Member, Cyprus Chapter of the Greek Turkish Forum
- Mustafa Aydin, Coordinator, Turkey Chapter of the Greek Turkish Forum; President, International Relations Council of Turkey (Moderator)
To watch “Foreign Policy Talk Series: Understanding Developments in Cyprus”:

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı ve Kadir Has Üniversitesi Öğretim üyesidir. Halen Euro-Mediterranean University (Slovenya) Senato Üyeliği ve World Council for Middle Eastern Studies Yönetim Kurulu üyeliği görevlerini sürdüren Prof Aydın, European Academy of Sciences and Art, European Leadership Network, Global Relations Forum, Turkish Atlantic Council, International Political Science Association ve International Studies Association üyesidir. Bugüne kadar yurt içi ve dı
ında çok sayıda üniversite ve araştırma merkezinde çalışmalar yürütmüş olan Aydın’ın Türk dış ve güvenlik politikaları, uluslararası güvenlik, uluslararası ilişkiler teorileri ile Karadeniz, Kafkaslar ve Orta Asya bölgeleri jeopolitik ve güvenliği üzerine yayınlanmış çok sayıda çalışması bulunmaktadır.
Emine Çolak, 9 Mart 1958 tarihinde Lefkoşa’da doğdu. 1979 yılında Londra Üniversitesi (SOAS) Hukuk Fakültesi’nden mezun olup, 1980 yılında Barrister unvanını kazandı. 1982 yılından bu yana kendi ofisinde avukat olarak görev yapmakta olan Çolak, idari, aile, ticari, miras, insan hakları ve mülkiyet hukuku alanlarında uzmanlaştı. 2015-2016 tarihleri arasında KKTC Dışişleri Bakanlığı, 1994-2002 yılları arasında Lefkoşa Türk Belediyesi Meclis üyeliği yapan Emine Çolak, 2003-2004 yıllarında ise Annan Planı sürecinde yasaları görüşen komitelerin koordinatörlüğünü üstlendi. 2007 yılında 2. Cumhurbaşkanı tarafından Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki hâkimlerin ve mahkemelerin etkin işleyişinden sorumlu Yüksek Yargı Kurulu üyesi olarak atanan Çolak, 2011 yılına kadar görev yaptı.

Assc. Prof. Charis Psaltis was born in Cyprus. He is an Associate Professor of Social and Developmental Psychology at the University of Cyprus. He studied at the Pedagogical Academy of Cyprus (Teacher’s Diploma, 1993), at the University of Cyprus (BA in Primary Education, 1999), and at Panteion University, Athens (BA in Psychology, 2000). He followed graduate studies at the University of Cambridge (MPhil, 2001 and PhD, 2005, in Social and Developmental Psychology). He also worked as a Post-doctoral researcher at the Oxford Center for the Study of Intergroup Conflict, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford.
Prof. Dr. Erol Kaymak, is Professor of International Relations at Eastern Mediterranean University. He has published research reports for the United Nations in Cyprus (UNFICYP), CEPS, Interpeace, and other organizations. Dr. Kaymak is co-founder and former director of a Cyprus-based think tank, the Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD). He currently serves as Coordinator for the Cyprus Chapter of the Greek Turkish Forum (GTF) that aims to contribute to bilateral relations between Greece and Turkey. processes. She has trained NGOs throughout Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union on issues related to NGO development and democratization. She was a leading civic activist in the 1990s in Romania and an active promoter of the NGO sector in the country.

Xenia Constantinou, is a member of Cyprus Chapter of the Greek Turkish Forum. She has served as General Secretary of the Organisation of Young Scientists (ONE) of DISY (2004-2007), Vice President [nominated by the Youth Organisation of DISY (NEDISY)] of the Cyprus Youth Council (2005-2009), Member of the NEDISY Political Bureau (2007-2011), Vice President (nominated by the Youth Organisation of the European People’s Party) of the European Youth Forum (2009-2010), President of the Women’s Organisation of DISY (GODISY) and member of the Executive Bureau of the party (2014-2017), Member of the DISY Political Bureau since 2012.