Tackling Disinformation, Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (TD-FIMI)

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We are excited to announce a comprehensive workshop on Tackling Disinformation, Foreign Information Manipulation, and Interference (FIMI), to be held from November 14 to 16, 2024, in the beautiful setting of Büyükada, IstanbulThe event will be organized by Global Academy, in partnership with the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Turkey, NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, and International Relations Council. TD-FIMI will bring together experts, academics, and young professionals to explore the increasingly critical challenges of disinformation in today’s digital world.

Tackling Disinformation, Foreign Information Manipulation, and Interference (TD-FIMI) aims to understand, analyze, and counter one of the main security challenges that NATO members are facing in today’s hyper-informative world, i.e., infodemy and its sources. The event aims to reinforce democratic values by confronting disinformation and improving the ability of confirmation culture and critical thinking of the Turkish youth to support NATO efforts to address the growing threat of foreign information manipulation and interference. It aims to reinforce the knowledge and information of Turkish youth (undergraduate and graduate university students) via confronting disinformation, improving the ability of confirmation culture, and critical and analytical thinking to support the development of NATO efforts in the context of disinformation as a threat.

Workshop Overview

The event thus provides a training program to enhance youth knowledge of the historical security understanding of NATO, to contribute to the development of the confirmation culture and fast-checking, and to raise awareness of disinformation, manipulation, and interference regarding the current political phenomena, to support NATO’s efforts against one of the essential threats in the 21st century, and, to increase knowledge, awareness, and understanding of NATO and its shared values.

This workshop aims to equip participants with the tools and knowledge to effectively identify, analyze, and counter disinformation. Participants will learn about the role of disinformation in current political events, the methods used to manipulate information, and NATO’s efforts in addressing these hybrid threats. The event will feature lectures, interactive simulations, and team-based exercises that challenge participants to apply their learning in real-world scenarios.

Key Themes

  • The Evolution of Global Security Threats: Understanding disinformation as a hybrid threat.
  • Disinformation in the Media: Case studies from recent political events.
  • NATO’s Role in Addressing Disinformation: Strategic efforts to combat FIMI.
  • Developing Critical Thinking: Methods and tools for fact-checking and confirmation culture.

Who Should Attend?

We invite senior undergraduate and graduate students between 20-30 years of age who are passionate about confronting disinformation and enhancing their critical thinking and analysis skills. The workshop is an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and experts, fostering a community dedicated to strengthening resilience against disinformation.

Location & Registration

The workshop will take place in Büyükada, a tranquil island off the coast of Istanbul, providing the perfect environment for immersive learning and reflection. Spaces are limited, so we encourage early registration.

Stay tuned for more details on the registration process and agenda.

To apply for the workshop in Büyükada, Istanbul, on 14-17 November 2024, please click here: https://forms.gle/M2fL9fE4TR46JERz9