Two studies were carried out by Prof. Dr Mustafa Aydın on behalf of the International Relations Council (IRC) in 2007 and 2009 to determine theories, methods, and pedagogical approaches the academics working in the field of International Relations in Turkey use in their teaching and research activities to understand their views on the boundaries, character, and general framework of the discipline in epistemological and ontological terms. Later, these efforts were incorporated in the following years (2011, 2014 and 2018) into the “Teaching, Research and International Policy (TRIP)” research conducted in coordination with the Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations located in the College of William and Mary in the USA. The TRIP Research, which is based on a survey study conducted simultaneously in 35 countries on six continents, including Turkey, aims to provide data for studies on Turkey's contributions to knowledge production in the discipline of International Relations and its transformation. The research findings regarding the Turkey part of the study have been published in the journal of Uluslararası İlişkiler (International Relations). You can access the related reports from the links below.
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