Dış Politika Akademisi

Foreign Policy Academy V

The fifth of the training and certificate program titled “Foreign Policy Academy” organized by the International Relations Council Association (UIK) since 2015 will be held in Eskişehir on 9-12 May 2019. Organized with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Anadolu University, the “Foreign Policy Academy” will bring…
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Foreign Policy Academy IV

The fourth of the training and certificate program titled “Foreign Policy Academy” organized by the International Relations Council Association (UIK) since 2015 will be held at Cappadocia Sühan Hotel on 11-14 October 2018. Organized with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kapadokya University, Kadir Has University Center for…
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Foreign Policy Academy III

The third of the training program titled “Foreign Policy Academy”, which includes theoretical and practical issues related to the foreign policy making process, will be held at the Büyük Abant Hotel on May 11-14, 2017 by the International Relations Council Association (UIK). Organized with the support of the Ministry of…
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Foreign Policy Academy II

The second of the training program titled “Foreign Policy Academy”, the first of which was held in March 2015 and which deals with the theoretical and practical issues related to the foreign policy making process, was held at the Büyük Abant Hotel on February 25-28, 2016. Organized with the support…
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Foreign Policy Academy I

The first training program titled “Foreign Policy Academy”, which includes theoretical and practical issues regarding the foreign policy making process, was held at Kartalkaya Kartal Hotel on March 5-8, 2015. Organized with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kadir Has University and Sabancı University Istanbul Policy Center, the…
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